Saturday, March 31, 2018

George Nader ran the magazine Middle East Insight in the 1990s

George Nader is in the spotlight after a New York Times report said special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators have questioned the Lebanese-American businessman.

George Nader learned for the first time when he returned to Dulles that the special counsel was interested in him and the information he had about key sessions, at least two of which he personally attended.

George Nader ran the magazine Middle East Insight in the 1990s, with then-Rep. Nick Rahall paying tribute to him in 1996.

George Nader relayed Fadlallah's demands to Ross, who insisted the US wasn't going to negotiate. But the two sides kept talking.

George Nader reportedly was close to former Trump strategist Steve Bannon, who stepped down from the White House in August.

George Nader represented Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, who effectively rules the UAE, at a meeting in the Seychelles.

George Nader served as an informal envoy to Syria for the Clinton administration and worked as a negotiator to help free US hostages in Lebanon.

George Nader turned up in Iran at the home of the leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, where he hung out with members of the Afghan mujahideen.

George Nader visited the White House frequently during the early months of the Trump administration.

Friday, March 30, 2018

George Nader is a globe-trotting power broker

George Nader had been hired by Blackwater USA founder Erik Prince to help create deals in Iraq for the business but Prince told the paper that George Nader failed to get contracts with the Iraqi government.

George Nader has been a frequent visitor to the Trump White House. And, the president has praised the UAE for the Persian Gulf nation’s efforts to work with the United States on economic issues and squashing terrorism in the region, thanking Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed for his efforts just last week, according to the White House.

George Nader has been talking to Mueller's investigators and providing information to the grand jury.
George Nader has long been a source of intrigue in Washington.

George Nader helped deliver more than $200 million in contracts for Circinus with the UAE and has recently been in talks with Broidy to set up a $650 million contract with Saudi Arabia.

George Nader is a Lebanese-American business executive.

George Nader is a President for the Middle East Insight with nine videos in the C-SPAN Video Library; the first appearance was a 1990 Forum. The year with the most videos was 1993 with two videos. The year with the highest average number of views per program was 1997 with an average of 395 views per program. Most appearances with Jonathan Kessler.

George Nader is a globe-trotting power broker.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman

George Nader was a back-channel negotiator with Syria during the Clinton administration, reinvented himself as an adviser to the de facto ruler of the United Arab Emirates, and last year was a frequent visitor to President Trump’s White House.

George Nader was born in Lebanon and came to the US in his teens. He has worked as a fixer for the US and foreign governments, quietly brokering deals across the Middle East for decades.

George Nader was brought in, at least in part, because he spoke Arabic and had a relationship with Walid Muallem, at the time the Syrian ambassador to the US who went on to become Syria's foreign minister.

George Nader worked alongside Ronald Lauder, a cosmetics heir who has been heavily involved in Jewish philanthropic causes, on the off-the-books effort.

George Nader wrote about the trip for the Washington Post, as well as his own journal.
George Nader “effectively vanished from the capital’s policy scene, and his magazine ceased publication in 2002.”

George Nader's name has surfaced in recent weeks as a key witness in US special prosecutor Robert Mueller's probe into alleged foreign influence on the Donald Trump administration.

George Nader, 58, is reportedly a close adviser to the UAE's MBZ. One source with knowledge of their relationship told The Atlantic that Nader was the crown prince's "messenger".

George Nader, 58, purportedly has been an adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed.
George Nader, a 58-year-old Lebanese-American, has kept a low profile even among Middle East experts in the US.

George Nader, a Lebanese American who has acted as a mediator and back-channel diplomat in Middle Eastern affairs for decades, has reportedly agreed to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia in exchange for immunity.

George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman, has hovered on the fringes of international diplomacy for three decades.

George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman.

George Nader could shed more light on what actually went down

Dennis Ross, a fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, first encountered George Nader when he was working on Middle East issues in the waning days of the Reagan administration.

During the Clinton administration, George Nader was involved in another "shadow diplomatic effort," this time to attempt to strike an Israeli-Syrian peace deal, Ross said.

During the middle part of the last decade, Mr. George Nader appears to have spent most of George Nader's time in the Middle East, especially in Iraq after the 2003 invasion. He developed close ties to national security officials in the Bush White House.

During the middle part of the last decade, Mr. George Nader appears to have spent most of his time in the Middle East, especially in Iraq after the 2003 invasion, George Nader developed close ties to national security officials in the Bush White House.

For his work over the years, George Nader asked for nothing in return.

For years, George Nader was best known to the public as the editor of a now-defunct journal called Middle East Insight, which featured interviews with key regional leaders and top Washington-based scholars.

George Mueller’s team was interested in how much influence Nader might have had on White House policymaking and whether foreign money has flowed into the U.S. recently to affect Washington policy.

George Nader acted as a middle man between the US and Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, a Shiite cleric in Lebanon whose work inspired the founders of Hezbollah.

George Nader also attempted to arrange an Israel-Syria peace deal during the Clinton administration, the newspaper reported.

George Nader and bin Zayed were a world away on the Seychelles island chain in the Indian Ocean.
George Nader attempted to arrange an Israel-Syria peace deal during the Clinton administration, the newspaper reported.

George Nader attended a December 2016 meeting in New York between Emirati officials and members of Trump's inner circle.

George Nader became friendly with former chief strategist Steve Bannon, visiting his office regularly.

George Nader could shed more light on what actually went down and if any covert deals were discussed.

George Nader was the key player in bringing Arab leaders together onto the yacht in late 2015

According to a Middle East Eye report on Monday, George Nader was the key player in bringing Arab leaders together onto the yacht in late 2015 to discuss forming the new group involving six Middle East countries: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan and Libya.

After asking around about George Nader, Kushner decided not to continue meeting with him, according to the same source.

After the election ended, George Nader maintained contact with senior administration officials, including Bannon and Kushner, according to sources familiar with the situation.

After the inauguration, Mr. George Nader became friendly with Mr. Broidy and introduced him to Prince Mohammed. Circinus then signed contracts with the United Arab Emirates worth several hundred million dollars, according to people familiar with the arrangement.

Amid his high-flying access, speculation about George Nader's funding streams was rife.

At the beginning of the Obama era, Mr. George Nader parlayed his ties to the Syrian government into access to senior members of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy team, while also seeking to advance business deals with former advisers to President George W. Bush.

At the beginning of the Obama era, Mr. George Nader tried to parlay his ties to the Syrian government into access to senior members of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy team, while also seeking to advance business deals with former advisers to President George W. Bush.

But several sources who've observed George Nader in action say he frequently name-drops, and that while he might be part of MbZ's extended entourage, it's unclear how influential he actually is.

CNN reported on Wednesday that George Nader would go on to work as a go-between to free American hostages taken in the mid-1980s by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Dennis Ross came to work with George Nader more closely under President George H.W. Bush on an effort to free Americans who were still being held hostage in Lebanon after the Iran-Contra affair, Ross said.

George Nader is a man of mystery

"George Nader had stunningly authentic contacts," said Aaron David Miller, the director of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Nader had prominent ties in Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Iran and, for the most part, was able to move freely within those countries, according to people who have worked with him.

"George Nader had tremendous contacts in the Middle East in places that normal people -- at least back then, and to this day -- don't go," said Miller, a former adviser to six secretaries of state who encountered Nader frequently over the years.

"George Nader is a man of mystery," said Frederic Hof, director of the Atlantic Council's Middle East center. "Until this recent flurry of interest in him, I don't think I've even heard his name mentioned for 12 years."

"If you agree to this, I will lobby for this in Washington," George Nader reportedly told those attending.

A Lebanese-American businessman, George Nader, with close ties the United Arab Emirates crown prince organised a meeting of Arab leaders on a yacht in the Red Sea three years ago and proposed to start an "elite group" that would supersede the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), according to a news report.

A Middle East specialist with ties to Donald Trump's team, George Nader, attended secret meetings during the presidential transition between the United Arab Emirates and Trump associates, and is now cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller, two people familiar with the matter say.

A number of well-connected and experienced Middle East hands in Washington told me they'd never heard of George Nader.

A source familiar with the White House meetings said Jared Kushner also met George Nader.

A source who knows George Nader told me he's originally Lebanese, and is now a U.S. citizen.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Who is George Nader?

George Nader was political adviser to the ruler of the U.A.E., HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and Elliott Broidy, the deputy finance chairman of the Republican National Committee.

George Nader ran the magazine Middle East Insight in the 1990s. George Nader ran the magazine Middle East Insight in the 1990s, with then-Rep. Nick Rahall paying tribute to him in 1996, the Times reports.

“Because of his reputation for fairness and his remarkable access to key political and business leaders throughout the region, Nader has produced a magazine of distinction and high quality,”

Rahall, D-W.Va., said on Capitol Hill at the time. George Nader also attempted to arrange an Israel-Syria peace deal during the Clinton administration.

In the 1990s, George Nader was a very effective under-the-radar operator in the peace process. During the middle part of the last decade, George Nader appears to have spent most of his time in the Middle East, especially in Iraq after the 2003 invasion.

George Nader developed close ties to national security officials in the Bush White House.