Wednesday, July 18, 2018

George Nader purportedly orchestrated the gathering

The New York Times reported earlier this week that George Nader—a 58-year-old businessman and close adviser to the effective ruler of the United Arab Emirates, The newly released records provide new details about the activity that brought George Nader to the attention of federal prosecutors and about the highly secretive work that led him to get a relatively lenient sentence three decades ago: his role in negotiating for the release of U.S.    

Sources revealed to CNN the talks about George Nader's quality at the New York and Seychelles gatherings have proceeded from that point forward. The 58-year-old George Nader, who has largely remained out of the public eye since his career began, has become an integral part of the US investigation into alleged foreign meddling in American politics.

In many ways, the partnership between Broidy, 60, and George Nader, 59, embodies the insider influence that has given contractors in D.C.    George Nader purportedly orchestrated the gathering in the interest of Prince Mohammed, while Prince professedly filled in as a Trump progress agent, and Dmitriev was there speaking to the Kremlin. George Nader reportedly arranged the meeting on behalf of Prince Mohammed, while Prince allegedly served as a Trump transition envoy, and Dmitriev was there representing the Kremlin.

After that discussion, Emirati officials helped set up the Seychelles meeting between Dmitriev, the head of the Russian investment fund, and Prince, a prominent Trump donor and founder of the security firm Blackwater.    George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman, has hovered on the fringes of international diplomacy for three decades.

A lawyer for George Nader, Sandeep Savla, said on Friday that people eager to undermine George Nader’s credibility were trying to silence him by dredging up his past. But he didn’t last: George Nader dropped out in 1980, according to a 1981 article, to start International Insight Inc. Bush administration (1989-1993) George Nader helped to free American hostages in Lebanon after the Iran-Contra affair.

George Nader purportedly endeavored to use his connections to Syrian authorities into contacts with the Obama organization, and later turned into a counsel to receptacle Zayed of the United Arab Emirates, the Times revealed.   George Nader got his photo op in October, and the Republican National Committee received a $189,000 donation from Broidy a month later.

Broidy announced he was gaining ground, and George Nader kept the principals advised on their enterprises, messages appear. Broidy and George Nader proposed numerous plans to the sovereigns for more than $1 billion of work. Elliott Broidy a best pledge drive for President Donald Trump, and George Nader, Broidy's business accomplice, pitched themselves and pushed the interests of Saudi Arabia and the UAE to the White House.

Last fall, Broidy sent George Nader a memo detailing how, in a private meeting with Trump in the Oval Office, he had pushed for the president to meet with bin Zayed and support his foreign policy goals in the region.    A representative for Kushner wouldn't remark, and his legal advisor did not react to a demand.

George Nader appears to have utilized some possibly sketchy strategies to campaign for Middle Eastern nations. George Nader introduced bin Zayed to Elliott Broidy, a top Trump fundraiser and the owner of a private security company, according to the Times.

It is George Nader’s relationship with an emperor like figure, the United Arab Emirates’ Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, that has drawn Mueller’s interest. Since then, George Nader has been talking to Mueller's investigators and providing information to the grand jury.

It’s unclear what they discussed during those meetings, but given George Nader’s style of using business deals to score political points, investigators are surely looking for signs of foul play.    

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