Monday, April 30, 2018

George Nader Collaborates with Mueller

A Middle East authority with binds to Donald Trump's group, George Nader, went to mystery gatherings amid the presidential change between the United Arab Emirates and Trump relates, and is currently collaborating with unique advice Robert Mueller, two individuals comfortable with the issue say.

"George Nader had stunningly true contacts," said Aaron David Miller, the chief of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Nader had noticeable ties in Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Iran and, generally, could move unreservedly inside those nations, as indicated by individuals who have worked with him.

George Nader turned up in Iran at the home of the pioneer of Iran's Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah

Mr. George Nader, a Lebanese-American representative who exhorts Crown Prince Mohammed container Zayed Al-Nahyan, the successful leader of the Emirates, additionally went to a January 2017 gathering in the Seychelles.

George Nader learned for the first time when he returned to Dulles that the special counsel was interested in him and the information he had about key sessions, at least two of which he personally attended.

While on the Red Sea excursion, George Nader proposed the new grouping of countries could replace the GCC and Arab League, MEE quoted two unidentified sources familiar with the meeting as saying.

Ruhollah Khomeini, where he hung out with individuals from the Afghan mujahideen.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

George Nader was involved in shadowy diplomatic efforts

Mr. George Nader’s dealings with Russia date at least to 2012, when he helped broker a controversial $4.2 billion deal for the government of Iraq to buy Russian weapons.

Mr. Mueller’s investigators have also questioned Joel Zamel, an Australian entrepreneur who has an office in Tel Aviv and knows Mr. George Nader, according to people briefed on the matter. Mr. Zamel has had contacts with senior U.A.E. officials close to its ruler since at least 2014.

George Nader, a mysterious business executive with links to the United Arab Emirates.

During the Clinton administration, George Nader was involved in another "shadow diplomatic effort," this time to attempt to strike an Israeli-Syrian peace deal, Ross said.

“George Nader always struck me as a person who really thought he should be in the eye of the storm trying to make things happen,” said Frederic Hof, a former top American diplomat who knew Mr. George Nader in the 1990s.

George Nader acted as a middle man between the US and Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, a Shiite cleric in Lebanon whose work inspired the founders of Hezbollah.

It's indistinct how George Nader first came into contact with individuals from Trump's internal circle.

According to a Middle East Eye report on Monday, George Nader was the key player in bringing Arab leaders together onto the yacht in late 2015 to discuss forming the new group involving six Middle East countries: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan and Libya.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

George Nader - Intrigue in Washington

George Nader has long been a source of intrigue in Washington.

CNN gave an account of Wednesday that George Nader would go ahead to fill in as a go-between to free American prisoners taken in the mid-1980s by the Lebanese aggressor amass Hezbollah.

Be that as it may, a few sources who've watched George Nader in real life say he much of the time name-drops, and that while he may be a piece of MbZ's broadened company, it's indistinct how compelling he really is.

“Because of his reputation for fairness and his remarkable access to key political and business leaders throughout the region, George Nader has produced a magazine of distinction and high quality,” Rahall, D-W.Va., said on Capitol Hill at the time.

George Nader went to the White House as often as possible amid the early long stretches of the Trump organization.

In the wake of making an inquiry or two about George Nader, Kushner chose not to keep meeting with him, as indicated by a similar source.

For his work throughout the years, George Nader requested nothing consequently.

Mr. George Nader's dealings with Russia date at any rate to 2012, when he helped handle a dubious $4.2 billion arrangement for the administration of Iraq to purchase Russian weapons.

Friday, April 27, 2018

George Nader has served as a political adviser to the UAE

George Nader ran the magazine Middle East Insight in the 1990s, with then-Rep. Scratch Rahall paying tribute to him in 1996, the Times reports.

In the past few years, George Nader has served as a political adviser to the UAE.

George Nader had been hired by Blackwater USA founder Erik Prince to help create deals in Iraq for the business but Prince told the paper that George Nader failed to get contracts with the Iraqi government.

Mr. George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessperson, has a list of universal associations that made ready for various gatherings with White House authorities that have drawn the consideration of the unique direction, Robert S. Mueller III.

“During the middle part of the last decade, Mr. George Nader appears to have spent most of his time in the Middle East, especially in Iraq after the 2003 invasion,” the Times report said. “He developed close ties to national security officials in the Bush White House.”

A legal counselor for Mr. George Nader and a representative for Rick Gerson declined to remark. Check Gerson did not answer to demands for input.

One Middle East master was dazed to hear that George Nader, who ventures as often as possible, kept up an address in Washington. Another communicated shock at discovering Nader was as yet alive in light of the fact that he had vanished from general visibility.

George Nader ran the magazine Middle East Insight in the 1990s, with then-Rep. Nick Rahall paying tribute to him in 1996, the Times reports.

An earlier version of this article misstated the value of a deal George Nader helped broker in 2012 for the government of Iraq. It was $4.2 billion, not $4.2 million.

At the beginning of the Obama era, Mr. George Nader tried to parlay his ties to the Syrian government into access to senior members of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy team, while also seeking to advance business deals with former advisers to President George W. Bush.

George Nader became friendly with former chief strategist Steve Bannon, visiting his office regularly.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

George Nader, Lebanese Buisnessman has Ties to Trump

George Nader, the strange Lebanese-American representative who went to Trump crusade gatherings with outside authorities amid the presidential progress—and who is presently collaborating with the Mueller test—took a great many dollars from the United Arab Emirates before he started giving out vast political gifts to U.S. officials considering enactment focusing on Qatar, the UAE's primary opponent.

Crown Prince Mohammed canister Zayed Al-Nahyan of Abu Dhabi, the accepted leader of the U.A.E., is a nearby partner of the United States and an incessant guest to the White House. He has additionally gone to Moscow and met with Mr. Putin a few times as of late. One individual informed on the issue said Mr. George Nader had went with the crown sovereign to Moscow on various events.

In the 1990s, George Nader presided over an unusual Washington magazine, Middle East Insight, which sometimes provided a platform for Arab, Israeli and Iranian officials to express their views to a Washington audience.

Setting up and going to powerful gatherings like the one in the Seychelles would not be unusual for George Nader.

George Nader learned out of the blue when he came back to Dulles that the exceptional insight was occupied with him and the data he had about key sessions, no less than two of which he by and by went to.

Kirill Dmitriev, the manager of a state-run Russian investment fund, met with Mr. George Nader and an adviser to the Trump campaign days before Donald J. Trump took office.

George Nader handed-off Fadlallah's requests to Ross, who demanded the US wouldn't arrange. Be that as it may, the two sides continued talking.

One Middle East expert was stunned to hear that George Nader, who travels frequently, maintained an address in Washington. Another expressed surprise at finding out Nader was still alive because he had disappeared from public view.

A source who knows George Nader disclosed to me he's initially Lebanese, and is currently a U.S. resident.

Monday, April 16, 2018

George Nader convinced the Clinton administration that he had connections with Syria

George Nader relayed Fadlallah's demands to Ross, who insisted the US wasn't going to negotiate. But the two sides kept talking.

The Times announced it had a duplicate of a notice George Nader got about a private Oval Office meeting amongst Trump and GOP support raiser Elliott Broidy, who purportedly has millions worth of private-security contracts with the UAE.

For quite a long time, George Nader was best referred to general society as the supervisor of a now-old diary called Middle East Insight, which highlighted interviews with key local pioneers and best Washington-based researchers.

George Nader, a guide to Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheik Mohamed container Zayed al-Nahyan, the true pioneer of the UAE.

George Nader "successfully vanished from the capital's arrangement scene, and his magazine stopped distribution in 2002."

Dennis Ross, a kindred at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, first experienced George Nader when he was taking a shot at Middle East issues in the winding down days of the Reagan organization.

Mr. George Nader was a business development consultant that we retained in Iraq because the company was looking for contracts with the Iraqi government.

George Nader endeavored to orchestrate an Israel-Syria peace bargain amid the Clinton organization, the daily paper revealed.

Late in that decade, Mr. George Nader convinced the Clinton administration that George Nader had valuable contacts in the Syrian government and took on a secretive role trying to broker a peace deal between Israel and Syria.

Mr. George Nader has received at least partial immunity for his cooperation, and it appears unlikely that Mr. Mueller is trying to build a case against him.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Lebanese American Businessman has ties to Russia and Jared Kushner

George Nader was a back-channel moderator with Syria amid the Clinton organization, rehashed himself as a guide to the accepted leader of the United Arab Emirates, and a year ago was an incessant guest to President Trump's White House.

On the yacht with George Nader were the UAE's Mohammed container Zayed Al Nayan, otherwise called MBZ; Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed canister Salman, frequently alluded to as MBS; Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi; Bahrain's Prince Salman receptacle Hamad container Isa Al Khalifa, and King Abdullah of Jordan.

Separately, investigators have asked witnesses about a meeting Mr. George Nader attended in 2017 with a New York hedge fund manager, where he was joined by Jared Kushner and Stephen K. Bannon, who at the time were both senior advisers to Mr. Trump.

Setting up and attending high-powered meetings like the one in the Seychelles would not be out of character for George Nader.

In 1996, a West Virginia congressman praised Mr. George Nader on the floor of the House, calling George Nader a “recognized expert on the region” and pointing out that the magazine had been a showcase for prominent figures such as President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel, and Yasir Arafat, the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman.

Toward the start of the Obama time, Mr. George Nader endeavored to parlay his connections to the Syrian government into access to senior individuals from President Barack Obama's outside strategy group, while likewise looking to propel business manages previous counsels to President George W. Shrubbery.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

George Nader Utilized his Russian Connections

"George Nader constantly struck me as a man who truly figured he ought to be in the eye of the tempest attempting to get things going," said Frederic Hof, a previous best American negotiator who knew Mr. George Nader in the 1990s.

A lawyer for Mr. George Nader and a spokesman for Rick Gerson declined to comment. Mark Gerson did not reply to requests for comment.

Working with Ronald S. Lauder, the American cosmetics magnate and prominent donor to Jewish causes, Mr. George Nader shuttled between Damascus and Jerusalem, using his contacts in both capitals to try to negotiate a truce.

Mr. George Nader, 58, made continuous excursions to the White House amid the early long stretches of the Trump organization, meeting with Stephen K. Bannon and Jared Kushner to examine American arrangement toward the Persian Gulf states ahead of time of Mr. Trump's trek to Saudi Arabia in May 2017, as per individuals acquainted with the gatherings.

But several sources who've observed George Nader in action say he frequently name-drops, and that while he might be part of MbZ's extended entourage, it's unclear how influential he actually is.

George Nader also attempted to arrange an Israel-Syria peace deal during the Clinton administration, the newspaper reported.

Mr. George Nader utilized his longstanding connections to Kirill Dmitriev, the chief of a state-run Russian venture subsidize, to help set up a gathering in the Seychelles between Mr. Dmitriev and a Trump guide days before Donald J. Trump took office.

George Nader was gotten, at any rate to some degree, since he communicated in Arabic and had an association with Walid Muallem, at the time the Syrian diplomat to the US who went ahead to end up Syria's remote pastor.

Amid the center piece of the most recent decade, Mr. George Nader seems to have invested the vast majority of his energy in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq after the 2003 intrusion, George Nader grew close connections to national security authorities in the Bush White House.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Mysterious Lebanese American Businessman has ties to White House and Russia

George Nader, 58, purportedly has been an adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed.

George Nader visited the White House frequently during the early months of the Trump administration.

Sources said George Nader represented himself as being personally close to Mohammed bin Zayed — the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces.

Mr. George Nader represented the crown prince in the three-way conversation in the Seychelles, at a hotel overlooking in the Indian Ocean, in the days before Mr. Trump took office.

After the inauguration, Mr. George Nader became friendly with Mr. Broidy and introduced him to Prince Mohammed. Circinus then signed contracts with the United Arab Emirates worth several hundred million dollars, according to people familiar with the arrangement.

George Nader turned out to be inviting with previous boss strategist Steve Bannon, going to his office frequently.

George Nader could reveal more insight into what really went down and if any incognito arrangements were talked about.

George Nader, a Lebanese American who has acted as a mediator and back-channel diplomat in Middle Eastern affairs for decades, has reportedly agreed to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia in exchange for immunity.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

George Nader helped deliver more than $200 million in contracts for Circinus

Last year, days before Mr. Trump took office, Mr. George Nader helped set up a meeting at a Seychelles resort between Mr. Dmitriev, Emirati officials and Erik Prince, the former head of Blackwater Worldwide and an adviser to Mr. Trump’s transition team. The meeting, at the bar of a Four Seasons Hotel overlooking the Indian Ocean, was brokered in part to explore the possibility of a back channel for discussions between the Trump administration and the Kremlin, according to people familiar with the meeting.

George Nader, the baffling Lebanese-American agent who went to Trump battle gatherings with remote authorities amid the presidential progress—and who is presently coordinating with the Mueller test—took a huge number of dollars from the United Arab Emirates before he started giving out substantial political gifts to U.S. administrators considering enactment focusing on Qatar, the UAE's primary opponent.

Mr. George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman, has a catalog of international connections that paved the way for numerous meetings with White House officials that have drawn the attention of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

George Nader helped deliver more than $200 million in contracts for Circinus with the UAE and has recently been in talks with Broidy to set up a $650 million contract with Saudi Arabia.

Mr. George Nader has gotten in any event halfway resistance for his collaboration, and it seems improbable that Mr. Mueller is attempting to fabricate an argument against him.

Prior that year, Mr. George Nader likewise went to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, a welcome just gathering sorted out by senior authorities near Mr. Putin that Russia exhibits as its response to the World Economic Forum held every year in Davos, Switzerland.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

George Nader was a back-channel moderator with Syria

George Nader, the mysterious Lebanese-American businessman who attended Trump campaign meetings with foreign officials during the presidential transition—and who is now cooperating with the Mueller probe—took millions of dollars from the United Arab Emirates before he began handing out large political donations to U.S. lawmakers considering legislation targeting Qatar, the UAE’s main rival.

A number of well-connected and experienced Middle East hands in Washington told me they'd never heard of George Nader.

“In the 1990s, George Nader was a very effective under-the-radar operator in the peace process,” former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin S. Indyk told the Times. “Then, he disappeared.”

George Nader and bin Zayed were a world away on the Seychelles island chain in the Indian Ocean.

Mr. George Nader spoke to the crown sovereign in the three-path discussion in the Seychelles, at an inn sitting above in the Indian Ocean, in the prior days Mr. Trump took office.

Amid the center piece of the most recent decade, Mr. George Nader seems to have invested the majority of George Nader's energy in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq after the 2003 intrusion. He grew close connections to national security authorities in the Bush White House.

A prior adaptation of this article misquoted the estimation of an arrangement George Nader helped specialist in 2012 for the administration of Iraq. It was $4.2 billion, not $4.2 million.

George Nader, 58, is apparently a nearby consultant to the UAE's MBZ. One source with information of their relationship disclosed to The Atlantic that Nader was the crown ruler's "detachment".

George Nader was a back-channel moderator with Syria amid the Clinton organization, rethought himself as a guide to the accepted leader of the United Arab Emirates, and a year ago was a continuous guest to President Trump's White House.

"In light of his notoriety for reasonableness and his surprising access to key political and business pioneers all through the locale, George Nader has delivered a magazine of qualification and superb," Rahall, D-W.Va., said on Capitol Hill at the time.

George Nader “effectively vanished from the capital’s policy scene, and his magazine ceased publication in 2002.”

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

George Nader is in the spotlight from Robert Mueller’s investigation

George Nader, a Lebanese American who has gone about as a go between and back-direct representative in Middle Eastern undertakings for quite a long time, has allegedly consented to coordinate with extraordinary guidance Robert Mueller's test into the Trump battle's connections to Russia in return for in-susceptibility.

George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman, has hovered on the fringes of international diplomacy for three decades.

Mr. George Nader was a business improvement advisor that we held in Iraq in light of the fact that the organization was searching for contracts with the Iraqi government.

George Nader even had his picture taken with Mr. Putin, according to one person who has seen the photograph, although it is unclear when the picture was taken.

Amid the Clinton organization, George Nader was associated with another "shadow conciliatory exertion," this opportunity to endeavor to strike an Israeli-Syrian peace bargain, Ross said.

George Nader is in the spotlight after a New York Times report said special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators have questioned the Lebanese-American businessman.
A Middle East specialist with ties to Donald Trump's team, George Nader, attended secret meetings during the presidential transition between the United Arab Emirates and Trump associates, and is now cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller, two people familiar with the matter say.

Various all around associated and experienced Middle East turns in Washington let me know they'd never known about George Nader.

After the race finished, George Nader kept up contact with senior organization authorities, including Bannon and Kushner, as indicated by sources acquainted with the circumstance.

Monday, April 9, 2018

George Nader Editor of Middle East Insight

George Nader allegedly was near previous Trump strategist Steve Bannon, who ventured down from the White House in August.

It is common for prosecutors to interview as many people as possible to corroborate the testimony of a key witness like Mr. George Nader.

George Nader, 58, is reportedly a close adviser to the UAE's MBZ. One source with knowledge of their relationship told The Atlantic that Nader was the crown prince's "messenger".

For years, George Nader was best known to the public as the editor of a now-defunct journal called Middle East Insight, which featured interviews with key regional leaders and top Washington-based scholars.

The investigative trail even led Mr. Mueller’s team to stop an Australian entrepreneur with ties to the U.A.E. after he landed at a Washington-area airport, according to people briefed on the matter. The investigators questioned the entrepreneur about Mr. George Nader, including Mr. Nader’s relationship with Russia and his contacts with Mr. Trump’s advisers, as well as the movement of money from the U.A.E. into the United States.

"Amid the center piece of the most recent decade, Mr. George Nader seems to have invested the greater part of his energy in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq after the 2003 intrusion," the Times report said. "He grew close connections to national security authorities in the Bush White House."

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Witness in Mueller Inquiry Who Advises U.A.E. Ruler Also Has Ties to Russia

WASHINGTON — A witness who is cooperating in the special counsel investigation, George Nader, has connections to both the Persian Gulf states and Russia and may have information that links two important strands of the inquiry together, interviews and records show.
Mr. Nader’s ties to the United Arab Emirates are well documented — he is an adviser to its leader — but the extent of his links to Russia had not been previously disclosed.
Mr. Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman, has a catalog of international connections that paved the way for numerous meetings with White House officials that have drawn the attention of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. For example, Mr. Nader used his longstanding ties to Kirill Dmitriev, the manager of a state-run Russian investment fund, to help set up a meeting in the Seychelles between Mr. Dmitriev and a Trump adviser days before Donald J. Trump took office.
Separately, investigators have asked witnesses about a meeting Mr. Nader attended in 2017 with a New York hedge fund manager, where he was joined by Jared Kushner and Stephen K. Bannon, who at the time were both senior advisers to Mr. Trump.
The investigative trail even led Mr. Mueller’s team to stop an Australian entrepreneur with ties to the U.A.E. after he landed at a Washington-area airport, according to people briefed on the matter. The investigators questioned the entrepreneur about Mr. Nader, including Mr. Nader’s relationship with Russia and his contacts with Mr. Trump’s advisers, as well as the movement of money from the U.A.E. into the United States.
Mr. Nader has received at least partial immunity for his cooperation, and it appears unlikely that Mr. Mueller is trying to build a case against him. Instead, it is common for prosecutors to interview as many people as possible to corroborate the testimony of a key witness like Mr. Nader.
Mr. Nader’s dealings with Russia date at least to 2012, when he helped broker a controversial $4.2 billion deal for the government of Iraq to buy Russian weapons. At the time, he was an informal adviser to Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki of Iraq, and he accompanied Mr. Maliki to Moscow in September 2012 to sign the arms deal at a meeting with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Mr. Nader’s role in the deal was earlier reported by Al-Monitor.
The deal was canceled shortly after because of concerns about corruption, and a spokesman for the prime minister said it would be renegotiated.
Earlier that year, Mr. Nader also attended the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, an invitation-only conference organized by senior officials close to Mr. Putin that Russia presents as its answer to the World Economic Forum held annually in Davos, Switzerland. Mr. Nader is on a list of participants from 2012. Representatives of the St. Petersburg forum did not respond to inquiries about his attendance in subsequent years.
Since then, according to people familiar with his travels, Mr. Nader has returned frequently to Russia on behalf of the Emirati government. He even had his picture taken with Mr. Putin, according to one person who has seen the photograph, although it is unclear when the picture was taken.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan of Abu Dhabi, the de facto ruler of the U.A.E., is a close ally of the United States and a frequent visitor to the White House. He has also visited Moscow and met with Mr. Putin several times in recent years. One person briefed on the matter said Mr. Nader had accompanied the crown prince to Moscow on numerous occasions.
Last year, days before Mr. Trump took office, Mr. Nader helped set up a meeting at a Seychelles resort between Mr. Dmitriev, Emirati officials and Erik Prince, the former head of Blackwater Worldwide and an adviser to Mr. Trump’s transition team. The meeting, at the bar of a Four Seasons Hotel overlooking the Indian Ocean, was brokered in part to explore the possibility of a back channel for discussions between the Trump administration and the Kremlin, according to people familiar with the meeting.
Kirill Dmitriev, the manager of a state-run Russian investment fund, met with Mr. Nader and an adviser to the Trump campaign days before Donald J. Trump took office. Credit Ramil Sitdikov/Sputnik, via Associated Press
Such contacts are at the heart of Mr. Mueller’s investigation, and his investigators have repeatedly used aggressive tactics to press witnesses. About four weeks ago, F.B.I. agents working with Mr. Mueller’s team stopped a Russian oligarch at a New York-area airport, questioned him about his dealings with Mr. Trump and seized his electronics, according to a person familiar with the matter, which was first reported by CNN.
Mr. Mueller’s investigators have asked multiple witnesses about the Seychelles meeting, part of a broader line of inquiry surrounding contacts between Emirati advisers and Trump administration officials. They have also pressed for details about a meeting Mr. Nader attended in New York in early 2017 with Mr. Kushner and Mr. Bannon with the hedge fund manager Richard Gerson, a friend of Mr. Kushner’s and the founder of Falcon Edge Capital.
Mr. Mueller’s particular interest in that meeting is unclear, although Mr. Gerson has had business dealings with the court of the U.A.E.’s Prince Mohammed. Mr. Gerson has developed relations with several senior Emirati officials over the years, including with Prince Mohammed himself, and he has often sought investments from Emirati state funds.
Mr. Gerson’s family also has business and philanthropic ties to the Kushners. Mr. Kushner has been friends for more than a decade with Mr. Gerson’s brother Mark, a founder of the specialized research company Gerson Lehrman Group. Mark Gerson was also an early investor in Cadre, a real estate technology company founded by Mr. Kushner and his brother, Josh.
Jared Kushner’s family foundation has also donated tens of thousands of dollars to an Israeli medical aid group led by Mark Gerson.
A lawyer for Mr. Nader and a spokesman for Rick Gerson declined to comment. Mark Gerson did not reply to requests for comment.
Mr. Mueller’s investigators have also questioned Joel Zamel, an Australian entrepreneur who has an office in Tel Aviv and knows Mr. Nader, according to people briefed on the matter. Mr. Zamel has had contacts with senior U.A.E. officials close to its ruler since at least 2014.
In February, federal agents working for Mr. Mueller stopped Mr. Zamel at Reagan National Airport outside Washington and briefly seized his electronic devices, the people said. Mr. Zamel later appeared before a grand jury and was questioned about Mr. Nader, though it was unclear whether Mr. Zamel had any information about Mr. Nader’s ties to Russia.
Mr. Zamel is a witness in Mr. Mueller’s investigation and is not suspected of any wrongdoing, according to Marc Mukasey, a lawyer for Mr. Zamel and his crowdsourced consulting firm, Wikistrat. The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that Mr. Zamel informally met with Mr. Mueller’s team.
“Joel and Wikistrat have not been accused of anything, have done nothing wrong and are not the focus of the special counsel,” said Mr. Mukasey, a global chairman of Greenberg Traurig’s white-collar defense and special investigations practice. “Prosecutors like to question as many people as they can — even if they have tangential involvement and limited knowledge.”
Mr. Zamel briefly met last spring with Jared Kushner at the White House, another person said, though that meeting does not appear to be a focus of Mr. Mueller’s inquiry.
Wikistrat, which pays security experts around the world for their insights, has landed several government contracts, according to databases and news reports. Its website says the firm can draw from a group of more than 2,200 analysts worldwide who share their thinking on an interactive platform.
Some well-known experts serve on Wikistrat’s advisory council, including Michael V. Hayden, a former head of the C.I.A. and the National Security Agency, and Dennis Ross, a former United States diplomat with deep expertise in the Middle East.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

George Nader was a very effective under-the-radar operator in the peace process

The White House, George Nader's lawyer and the special counsel's office declined to comment. The Embassy for the United Arab Emirates did not respond to requests for comment.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, George Nader was the president and editor of a magazine called Middle East Insight.

While many in his field assumed his role as a magazine editor helped him create inroads with prominent leaders abroad, they still had little insight into how George Nader'd built such an unusual rolodex.

While on the Red Sea excursion, George Nader proposed the new grouping of countries could replace the GCC and Arab League, MEE quoted two unidentified sources familiar with the meeting as saying.

Working with Ronald S. Lauder, the American cosmetics magnate and prominent donor to Jewish causes, Mr. George Nader shuttled between Damascus and Jerusalem, using his contacts in both capitals to try to negotiate a truce.

“Because of his reputation for fairness and his remarkable access to key political and business leaders throughout the region, George Nader has produced a magazine of distinction and high quality,” Rahall, D-W.Va.

“Because of his reputation for fairness and his remarkable access to key political and business leaders throughout the region, George Nader has produced a magazine of distinction and high quality,” Rahall, D-W.Va., said on Capitol Hill at the time.

“During the middle part of the last decade, Mr. George Nader appears to have spent most of his time in the Middle East, especially in Iraq after the 2003 invasion,” the Times report said. “He developed close ties to national security officials in the Bush White House.”

“George Nader always struck me as a person who really thought he should be in the eye of the storm trying to make things happen,” said Frederic Hof, a former top American diplomat who knew Mr. George Nader in the 1990s.

“In the 1990s, George Nader was a very effective under-the-radar operator in the peace process,” former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin S. Indyk told the Times. “Then, he disappeared.”

“In the 1990s, George Nader was a very effective under-the-radar operator in the peace process,” said Martin S. Indyk, a former American ambassador to Israel and a member of a team put together by President Bill Clinton to negotiate peace deals between Israel and its neighbors. “Then, George Nader disappeared.”

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

People who worked with him described George Nader as low-key

On the yacht with George Nader were the UAE's Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nayan, also known as MBZ; Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, often referred to as MBS; Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi; Bahrain's Prince Salman bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and King Abdullah of Jordan.

One Middle East expert was stunned to hear that George Nader, who travels frequently, maintained an address in Washington. Another expressed surprise at finding out George Nader was still alive because he had disappeared from public view.

One Middle East expert was stunned to hear that George Nader, who travels frequently, maintained an address in Washington. Another expressed surprise at finding out Nader was still alive because he had disappeared from public view.

People who worked with him described George Nader as low-key -- a discreet name-dropper who often volunteered his efforts as a go-between and provided credible information.

Setting up and attending high-powered meetings like the one in the Seychelles would not be out of character for George Nader.

Since the 1980s, George Nader has made a habit of ingratiating himself with administrations in Washington by volunteering to open lines of communication with elusive Middle Eastern leaders.
Sources said George Nader represented himself as being personally close to Mohammed bin Zayed — the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces.

The Times reported it had a copy of a memo George Nader received about a private Oval Office meeting between Trump and GOP fund-raiser Elliott Broidy, who purportedly has millions worth of private-security contracts with the UAE.

The UAE adviser, George Nader, is now a witness in the U.S. special counsel investigation into foreign meddling in American politics.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Nobody was quite clear about what George Nader does for a living

Late in that decade, Mr. George Nader convinced the Clinton administration that George Nader had valuable contacts in the Syrian government and took on a secretive role trying to broker a peace deal between Israel and Syria.

Mr. George Nader represented the crown prince in the three-way conversation in the Seychelles, at a hotel overlooking in the Indian Ocean, in the days before Mr. Trump took office.

Mr. George Nader was a business development consultant that we retained in Iraq because the company was looking for contracts with the Iraqi government.

Mr. George Nader, 58, made frequent trips to the White House during the early months of the Trump administration, meeting with Stephen K. Bannon and Jared Kushner to discuss American policy toward the Persian Gulf states in advance of Mr. Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia in May 2017, according to people familiar with the meetings.

Mr. George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, the effective ruler of the Emirates, also attended a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles.

Mueller’s investigators in recent weeks have questioned George Nader and asked witnesses for information about whether the UAE tried to buy political influence by giving money to the Trump campaign.

Nobody was quite clear about what George Nader does for a living.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

George Nader, a mysterious business executive with links to the United Arab Emirates

George Nader, a low-profile diplomatic go-between who has forged close ties to the Emirates, was stopped and questioned by the FBI at Dulles International Airport in January as he returned from an overseas trip, these sources say.

George Nader, a mysterious business executive with links to the United Arab Emirates.

George Nader, an adviser to Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the de facto leader of the UAE.

George Nader, the mysterious Lebanese-American businessman who attended Trump campaign meetings with foreign officials during the presidential transition—and who is now cooperating with the Mueller probe—took millions of dollars from the United Arab Emirates before he began handing out large political donations to U.S. lawmakers considering legislation targeting Qatar, the UAE’s main rival.

I could only find a few people who have met George Nader.

In 1996, a West Virginia congressman praised Mr. George Nader on the floor of the House, calling George Nader a “recognized expert on the region” and pointing out that the magazine had been a showcase for prominent figures such as President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel, and Yasir Arafat, the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

In the 1990s, George Nader presided over an unusual Washington magazine, Middle East Insight, which sometimes provided a platform for Arab, Israeli and Iranian officials to express their views to a Washington audience.

In the past few years, George Nader has served as a political adviser to the UAE.

It was around Mr. Trump’s inauguration that Mr. George Nader first met Mr. Broidy, the Republican fund-raiser, who is a California-based investor with a strong interest in the Middle East.

It's unclear how George Nader first came into contact with members of Trump's inner circle.