Friday, April 27, 2018

George Nader has served as a political adviser to the UAE

George Nader ran the magazine Middle East Insight in the 1990s, with then-Rep. Scratch Rahall paying tribute to him in 1996, the Times reports.

In the past few years, George Nader has served as a political adviser to the UAE.

George Nader had been hired by Blackwater USA founder Erik Prince to help create deals in Iraq for the business but Prince told the paper that George Nader failed to get contracts with the Iraqi government.

Mr. George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessperson, has a list of universal associations that made ready for various gatherings with White House authorities that have drawn the consideration of the unique direction, Robert S. Mueller III.

“During the middle part of the last decade, Mr. George Nader appears to have spent most of his time in the Middle East, especially in Iraq after the 2003 invasion,” the Times report said. “He developed close ties to national security officials in the Bush White House.”

A legal counselor for Mr. George Nader and a representative for Rick Gerson declined to remark. Check Gerson did not answer to demands for input.

One Middle East master was dazed to hear that George Nader, who ventures as often as possible, kept up an address in Washington. Another communicated shock at discovering Nader was as yet alive in light of the fact that he had vanished from general visibility.

George Nader ran the magazine Middle East Insight in the 1990s, with then-Rep. Nick Rahall paying tribute to him in 1996, the Times reports.

An earlier version of this article misstated the value of a deal George Nader helped broker in 2012 for the government of Iraq. It was $4.2 billion, not $4.2 million.

At the beginning of the Obama era, Mr. George Nader tried to parlay his ties to the Syrian government into access to senior members of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy team, while also seeking to advance business deals with former advisers to President George W. Bush.

George Nader became friendly with former chief strategist Steve Bannon, visiting his office regularly.

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